Free introductory consultation
The first introductory interview is free of charge. On the basis of this I will make a plan of approach and then you decide whether you want to make use of my services.
Hourly rate
My hourly rate for non-business clients is € 61,50 (year 2025) including VAT. I work in blocks of 3 hours.
This rate includes:
Travel costs up to 15 kilometres one way. Above that I charge € 0,23 per kilometer.
Small organizing materials
Package: 10 weeks of focus on organizing

By focusing for several weeks, you can permanently remedy the things you are struggling with. By paying € 1650,- in advance you gain a serious discount compared to separate sessons.
You can start at any moment, just what is convenient for you. We plan these 10 sessions in a period of 4 months after the first consultation. So that procrastination will be limited. Challenge yourself and don’t wait any longer! After these 10 weeks:
• You will be able to easily find your belongings
• You have an overview belongings, planners, documents, and (household) tasks
• You will spend much less time tidying up and cleaning
• You have more space in your house and in your head
• You have insight into your pitfalls when tidying up, and you know how to deal with them
• And as a bonus, you have money left for things that really are important to you
Included in thiese 10 weeks of focus on organizing:
• 1 x 1,5 hour meeting at your home, you receive tips and a plan of action
• 10 x 3 hours during which we work together at your home and I teach you to tidy up following the 4 steps of organizing
• Accepting realistic “homework” assignments
• Mapping your personal tidying pitfalls and how to get around them
PGB: In some cases, the use of the professional organizer can be reimbursed from a Personal Budget (PGB) under the Dutch Social Support Act (WMO). I can inform you about this prior to your meeting with the district team.
Here you can read what a PGB via the WMO entails.
In some cases, your employer may be willing to pay the costs, in order to prevent the employee from dropping out or to speed up reintegration. A home where you can rest and relax contributes to how you perform at work. If this is the case, discuss this with your employer. There are CAO’s in which the training budget offers possibilities.
Documents of Overview Coach:
- Terms and conditions of Overview Coach (in Dutch)
- Privacy declaration Overview Coach (in Dutch)
- Complaints procedure Overview Coach (in Dutch)
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